Cherwell Workplace Solutions News

Nominate Your Recycling Hero

Written by Jeremy Hodge | 28 Jul 2021

Consumers are increasingly concerned with sustainability. It is no longer the case whether or not businesses should talk about their sustainability agenda, but rather how they talk about it with their audiences. Following this theme, Rubbermaid, manufacturers of many the world's leading waste management and recycling solutions, have launched the "Love Recycling Heroes" initiative.This is a program that enables organisation to praise their own recycling  and sustainability heroes, while demonstrating to their customers and staff how important sustainability is to them. Nominations for heroes is now open!   

Every day,  in the UK, across Europe and the globe, people are developing recycling and sustainability initiatives and improvements that benefit us all. These activities are usually small in scope, incremental, and might be considered 'everyday' in nature,  but taken together, and over time, they can have a significant cumulative effect in far away places and communities.p

Love Recycling Heroes gives organisations a route to recognising those that have gone to the greatest lengths to create better sustainability processes. It provides organisations with the means to give them both credit and thanks for their initiatives and also to commend them not just within their own organisation, but in front of their customers and a wider audience.

A better world now and for the generations that succeed us is only possible with all of us working together. A key aspect of encouraging people to do more is to inspire them with good examples and the work of recycling heroes.

Click here to nominate your recycling hero